Root Cause Series
It is always good to get the root of the cause of a problem. Unfortunately, it never seems to be an easy task. In nature roots are mostly unseen, yet totally necessary to a healthy survival.
The crows in the image are my friends. I have a family of seven crows that hang out in my yard. Of course I give them treats, and they treat me by leaving smooth stones in the birdbath. If you did not know, most crows stay together in their family groups. I made the crows white in this image to signify liberation. If you can find the root cause of your problems and fix it, then you are free. As a side note, there is a Native American legend that suggests all crows were white in color at one time until a disastrous fire happened then they became black in color.
The red-orange image in the group speaks to the root and sacral chakras. Yogis believe we have a chakra system in our bodies. The chakras are seven wheels of energy. The first chakra is the root chakra- when it's in balance you feel grounded and safe. The second chakra is the sacral chakra. It's functions include creativity and sexuality. This painting has a fiery, fearless, and grounding quality.
People see many different forms in my abstract paintings. I am always amazed what can come up visually for different people. Although, in the red-orange piece there are many who see a dancing woman with her arms in the air and a person kneeling in front of her playing a musical instrument, with a heart shaped form between them.
The crows in the image are my friends. I have a family of seven crows that hang out in my yard. Of course I give them treats, and they treat me by leaving smooth stones in the birdbath. If you did not know, most crows stay together in their family groups. I made the crows white in this image to signify liberation. If you can find the root cause of your problems and fix it, then you are free. As a side note, there is a Native American legend that suggests all crows were white in color at one time until a disastrous fire happened then they became black in color.
The red-orange image in the group speaks to the root and sacral chakras. Yogis believe we have a chakra system in our bodies. The chakras are seven wheels of energy. The first chakra is the root chakra- when it's in balance you feel grounded and safe. The second chakra is the sacral chakra. It's functions include creativity and sexuality. This painting has a fiery, fearless, and grounding quality.
People see many different forms in my abstract paintings. I am always amazed what can come up visually for different people. Although, in the red-orange piece there are many who see a dancing woman with her arms in the air and a person kneeling in front of her playing a musical instrument, with a heart shaped form between them.